Key Personnel

Jani Mollas
Director / Master Mason

Starting his apprenticeship in 1988 Jani Mollas now has 27 years personal experience in the stonemasonry industry. Jani began work in Albania and Greece and worked on conservation work/ heritage stonework, stonework restoration, residential homes and many commercial buildings in the Southern Greek regions. Since moving to Australia in recent times Jani has broadened his complexities in the trade and has brought his experience into the country giving knowledgeable insight to projects around Adelaide.

He has a strong customer focus and is always eager to please, never leaving any detail of the project unfinished without perfection. A hard working and dedicated leader in the business sets great example for his team to be uncompromising in their high standard of work.

Julian Luka
Managing Director / Master Mason

Starting his apprenticeship in 1993 Julian Luka now has 22 years personal experience in the stonemasonry and building industry. Julian’s father and brother are both stonemasons who still have their own company in Greece. Julian began work in Albania and Greece and with stonemasons blood he was a natural at the trade, he worked on many heritage buildings, restaurants, monuments, public parks and within residential homes and commercial buildings throughout Europe. Since moving to Australia 15 years ago he has made an abundance of contacts within the industry and has also began importing stone from international suppliers.

He has a passion for his work and is always enthused about new projects, his deep love for the trade is contagious to those who work with him and around him. His competitive nature and will to succeed give him a strong successful business sense and ability to be a leader in the industry.